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Physic A-field


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Author [?] MacAdam
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Great Britain—History
Life Sciences (Physiology / Biology / Immunology / Medicine / Pharmacology / Anatomy / Ecology)
Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Medical care; Nursing; Hospitals; Hospital Care; Surgery; Medicine; Physicians
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 1524

Based on A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased: wherein, are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue bin long hidden, and not come to light before this time. First set foorth for the great benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abilitie to go to the phisitions, by A.T. And now newly corrected, augmented and inlarged, by G.W. practicioner in phisicke and chirurgerie (1601).

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