From the Gazette of April 26. WILLIAM CHITTENDEN, Church-st.,
Paddington, draper.—CHARLES VENEER, Tunbridge-wells,
builder.—JOHN PALLENSON, Liverpool, grocer—JOHN STANFORD
and HENRY BANNISTER, Hasleowen, brickmakers.—ALEX
Radnorshire, cattle dealer.
April 30. WILLIAM GEORGE CEELY, Poplar, carman.—JAMES
BRIGHTON, Gray's-inn-road, victualler.—THOMAS COLLINGWOOD,
Nuneham, Oxfordshire, innkeeper.—ANTHONY EDWARD
CORVAN, Hampstead-road, baker.—JAMES GUEST, Birmingham,
commission agent.—JOHN BROWN, Bristol, builder.—JAMES
VILLAR, Cheltenham, maltster.—CHARLES PEARSON, Sheffield,
victualler.—CONRAD GREENHOW, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, timber
May 3. CHARLES PENFOLD, Arundel, ironmonger.—FREDERICK
TAPLEY, Sidmouth, linen draper.—RICHARD HEATH,
Limehouse, brassfounder.—GEORGE GEARY MASON, Underhill,
Lancashire, cotton spinner.—GEORGE AUGUSTUS MUNRO,
Liverpool, merchant.—JOEL WILSON, West Bromwich, iron
manufacturer.—GEORGE PAGE, Wolverhampton, coal dealer.—JOSEPH
CHILTON, Bath, apothecary.—RICHARD KEITLEY, Cheltenham,
builder.—GEORGE WILSON, Wakefield, draper.—NOAH GEORGE
BOND, Hudderstield, bookseller.—EDWARD WRAY, Hull, draper.
York, farrier.
May 7. JOHN BURGESS NUNN, Colchester, tailor.—GEORGE
WOOLLAND TUCKER, Tottenham-court-road, furrier.—SAMUEL
MEANLEY, Walsall, butcher.—GASKELL JOHNSON, Liverpool,
coal mercliant.—FREDERICK DUNCAN, Liverpool, merchant.—
THOMAS SAMUEL BROWNE, Manchester, patent agent.
May 10. RICHARD DART and JOSEPH BROWN, Bedford-st.,Covt.-
garden—EDWARD PARRATT, Park-village, West, Regent's-pk.,
advertising agent.—JOHN THOMAS HOLLAND, Coventry, builder.
—WILLIAM HAYHURST, Liverpool, coach proprietor.—MARGARET
MILNE, Manchester, grocer.—BUCKLEY ROYLE, Manchester,
check manufacturer.—RICHARD WILSON, Hull, stone-mason.
Bear-alley, Farringdon-st., printers.—WILLIAM FARR, Broadway,
Blackfriars, beershop keeper.—THOMAS SMEETON, Ipswich,
tailor.—GEORGE COOPER, Northampton, linen draper.—EDWIN
JACKSON GILL, Gloucester, auctioneer.—AGNES ASHCROFT,
Liverpool, shipowner.—WILLIAM BREAD, Amersham, dealer in
sheep.—WILLIAM HENRY ETHELL, Birmingham, Sadler.—JOHN
LAWRENCE and HENRY DIXON, Birmingham, military
ornament manufacturers.—JOHN RYDER, Liverpool, victualler.—
WILLIAM and JOHN PILE, Monkwearmouth, ship builders.
May 17. HENRY SCHOLEFIELD, Clare, Suffolk, chemist.—JOHN
WINN, Charlotte-st., Blackfriars road, gas fitter.—THEODORE
DE RUMIGNY, St. Mildred's-ct., merchant.—JOHN MOODY,
Aldersgate-st., stock manufacturer.—CLAXON SCARFE, Hall-st.,
City-road, timber merchant.—JAMES WOODS, Conduit-st.,
tailor.—WILLIAM WALFORD, Wolverhampton, brewer.—GEORGE
BAILEY, Coventry, riband manufacturer.—JAMES WEBSTER,
Leicester, engineer.—JOHN HILL, Jun., Malmsbury, innkeeper.
—THOMAS COWGILL, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocer.—WILLIAM
PASSMORE, Leeds, tailor.—JAMES MELLOR, Manchester,
haberdasher.—JOHN HAWLEY, Liverpool, confectioner.—JAMES
HARRY, Liverpool, wine merchant.—GEORGE CHARNOCK, West
Derby, Lancashire, baker.
May 21. ALFRED ALLEN SUTTEBY, Stoke-ferry, Norfolk,
grocer.—JOHN TAYLOR, High-st., Shadwell, cheesemonger.—
JAMES URRY, Landport, Hampshire, brewer.—EDWARD
DURRANT BUSHER, Piccadilly, coachmaker.—JAMES WOOLNOUGH,
(otherwise JAMES LEMAN WOOLNOUGH), Chediston, Suffolk,
cattle dealer.—GEORGE BURNETT ABSALOM, Portsmouth,
coalmerchant.—WILLIAM MAILES, Woolhope, Hereford,
bark-merchant.—THOMAS BAILEY, Gloucester, sadler.—THOMAS
HARFOOT, Plymouth, tailor.
May 24. WALTER BATES, South Shields, builder.—WILLIAM
CARMALT, Romsey, Hampshire, baker.—WILLIAM EALEY Horsepath,
Oxfordshire, butcher.—WILLIAM HAGUE, Manchester,
small-ware dealer.—WILLIAM MEADOWCROFT, Rochdale,
Lancashire, cotton-spinner.—EDWARD PARKES, Canterbury,
shoe-manufacturer.—WILLIAM THRELFALL, Addingham, Yorkshire,
cotton-spinner.—JOHN TOMLIN, Finchley-common, Middlesex,
licensed victualler.—WILLIAM VARNAM, Ibstock, Leicestershire,
draper.—JAMES WELCH, Westbury, Wiltshire, innkeeper.
City, May 28.
The chief influencing cause of movement in the English Stock
Market this month, has been the varying intelligence from
France. At the beginning of the month Consols marked 951/4 to
7/8, and the market showed much steadiness till the 16th, when
the price touched 96 3/8; but on this day was received the news of
the recall of the French ambassador at London, and Consols fell
at once to 95 in consequence. Since then, prices have been
gradually creeping up again, and are now rather better than at
the commencement of the month, Consols being quoted to-day
at 96 1/8 to 1/4
The Railway Share Market has been characterised by a much
better tone during the month, and prices of all descriptions of
stocks have experienced a rise. Within the last few days the
public have begun to appear in the market as buyers; and this,
added to improved trafflc returns, has greatly aided in strengthening
Prices during the month
1061/8 RAILWAYS Highest. Lowest. Latest Three per cent Consols . . . 963/8 95 961/4 Three per cent Reduced . . . 951/4 94 951/4 Three and a Quarter per cent 973/8 957/8 971/8 Long Annuities . . . . . . . 81/4 81/4 81/4 Bank Stock . . . . . . . . . 2071/2 2051/2 207 India Stock . . . . . . . . . 269 265 269 South Sea Stock . . . . . . 1063/4 1051/8 Exchequer bills 71s. prm. 67s. prm. 70s. prm. India bonds 93s. prm. 87s. prm. 90s. prm.
CORN MARKET. Paid Highest. Lowest. Latest. 50 Caledonian 83/8 7 81/4 20 Eastern Counties 71/4 7 71/8 22 Great Northern 71/8 53/4 71/8 100 Great North of England 220 216 219 100 Great Western 56 503/4 56 50 Lancaster and Carlisle 52 50 52 100 Lancashire and Yorkshire 38 333/4 371/2 50 Leeds and Bradford 931/4 871/2 93 100 London, Brighton and South Coast 811/2 781/4 811/2 100 London and North Western 1041/2 1001/2 104 100 London and South Western 613/4 58 613/4 171/2 Midland 341/2 311/2 341/2 331/8 North Staffordshire 73/8 7 71/4 100
47 South Eastern
South Wales 141/8
19 127/8
18 141/8
19 25 York, Newcastle and Berwick 135/8 113/4 135/8 50 York and North Midland 17 141/2 167/8
Mark Lane, May 27.
Not much fluctuation has occurred in the price of grain during
the month, but the tendency of prices has been decidedly
upwards till within the last week, when the improved appearance
of the weather has caused buyers to hang back.
Subjoined are the London averages last announced:—
Wheat, per quarter, 44s. 1d. Flour, Irish, Norfolk, &c., per
Barley, 24s. sack, 27s. to 28s.
Oats, 16s. 1d . " Town, 35s. to 37s.
Rye, 22s. 10d. " American, per barrel,
Malt, 42s. to 52s. 21s. to 23s.
Bacon, per cwt.—Good Water- smoked, 40s. to 50s.; York
ford, 48s. to 51s.; American, and Cumberland, 60s. to
30s. to 36s. 70s.; Westphalia, new, 54s.
Beef, good, per 8 lbs., 2s. to to 56s.
2s. 10d. Lamb, per 8 lbs., 4s. to 5s. 2d.
Butter, Irish old, per cwt., 58s. Lard, Irish, in firkins and kegs,
to 70s.; Fine new Limerick, 40s. to 42s.
70s. to 72s.; Fine weekly Mutton, good, per 8 lbs.. 1s. 6d.
Dorset, 76s. to 78s.; Dutch, to 3s. 4d.
56s. to 64s.; Fresh, per 12 Potatoes, per ton.—Yorkshire
lbs., 7s. to 10s. Regents, 120s. to 140s.;
Cheese, per cwt.—American, Scotch cups, 60s. to 75s.
34s. to 43s.; Dutch (Gouda), Pork, fresh, per 8 lbs., 3s. 4d
34s. to 41s. . to 4s.; American, per bar-
Eggs, per 100, 5s. to 8s. rel, 54s. to 60s.
Hams, per cwt.—American, Veal, per 8 lbs., 2s. 8d. to 3s. 4d.
Tea.—Com. Congou, per lb. good brown, 37s. to 38s.;
8½d. to 9½d.; Souchong, ord. Brazil, 32s. to 42s.
to fine, 10d. to 2s. 9d.; Com. Cocoa, per cwt—Trinidad, 35s.
Hyson, 1s. to 1s. 3d.; Ditto, to 46s.
mid. to fine.1s, 4d. to 3s. 6d. Rice.—Bengal white, per cwt.,
Coffee.—Good ord., Native Cey- 8s. 6d. to 11s.; Java, 7s. to
lon, per cwt., 40s.; Do. low 12s.
to good mid. Jamaica, 47s. Sago, Pearl per cwt.,19s. to 26s.
to 63s. Turkey Figs, per cwt., £1. 11s.
Sugar.—Lumps, per. cwt. 49s. to £2.
to 51s.; Brit. West India, Raisins, Valentia, £2. 7s.
Candles, per 12 lbs., 4s. 6d. to 5s. Coals, per ton, 13s. to 16s. 6d.
Pale Seal, per ton, good and Whale, £31. 15s.
fine, £2. 15s. to £3. Palm, per cwt., 30s. 6d. to
Colonial Sperm, £82. to £83. 15s. 30s. 9d.
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