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From the Gazette of Sept. 27. JOHN THOMAS BRAMELD,
Tichborne-street, and Great Windmill-street, Westminster, china
dealer.—JAMES HORSFIELD, Wheelock, Cheshire, coal dealer.
WILLIAM KEEPING, East-street, Walworth, common brewer.
EDWARD HAMLIN KIDDLE, Valentine-place, Blackfriars-road,
miller.—HENRY LLOYD and THOMAS LLOYD, Carmarthen, drapers.
THOMAS PROBYN, High-Holborn, licensed victualler.—HENRY
FRANCIS ROSS, West Cowes, Isle of Wight, and JOHN WYLIE
Barrow, Philpot-lane, City, commission and shipping agents.—
HENRY WILKINS, High-street, Kensington, draper.

Oct. 1. THOMAS GAMSON, Mark-lane, City, corn and seed
factor.—WILLIAM MAYER, Bateman's-Row, Shoreditch, timber

Oct. 4. THOMAS FIELDING, Rhyl, Flintshire, hotel keeper.—
THOMAS HORATIO JOLLEY, Farringdon-street, City, fruit salesman.
GEORGE LITTLE, Holborn-bars, City, and Commercial-pl.,
Commercial-rd., New Peckham, electrical apparatus maker.

Oct. 8. WILLIAM GRAYSON, Mortlake, Surrey, market gardener.

Oct. 11. WILLIAM GOODE,  jun. Monmouth, linen draper.—
JAMES HORSFIELD, Wheelock, Cheshire, coal dealer.—BENJAMIN
MURRAY, Stockton-upon-Tees, Durham, innkeeper.—JOSEPH
WORSEY, and JAMES BIGGS, Aston, Warwickshire, wire

Oct. 15. WILLIAM HENRY BOON, Plymouth, ironmonger.—
THOMAS DALEY, Hythe, Kent, builder.—HENRY POOLEY,
Wisbeach St. Peter's, Cambridgeshire, carpenter.—THOMAS
WESLEY, Newport Pagnel, Buckinghamshire, hotel keeper.

Oct. 18. JONAS CLARK, Soham, Cambridgeshire, dealer in
flour.—JAMES FIELDING, Middleton, Lancashire, provision dealer.
WILLIAM FORD, High-Holborn, haberdasher.—CHARLES JONES,
Llanfyllin, Monmouthshire, grocer.—WILLIAM PIGGOT, Great
Eversden, Cambridgeshire, general shopkeeper.—BENJAMIN
TEBBIT, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, draper.

Oct. 22. EDWARD ARMYTAGE, Halifax, and Huddersfield,
Yorkshire, cotton spinner.—JOHN INGS, Henley in Arden,
Warwickshire, surgeon.—FREDERICK LA MARK, and GEORGE LA
MARK, Water-lane, Tower-street, shipbrokers.—JAMES
M'MONIES, Liverpool and New York, America, corn merchant.—
JAMES STEVENS TRIPP, Lombard-street-chambers, Clement's-
lane, City, dealer in railway shares.

Oct. 25. WILLIAM BINDER, Orsett, Essex, builder.—CALEB
EVANS, Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, ironmonger.—GEORGE
HALL and FRANCIS SKELTON FELL, Tynemouth, timber
merchants.—JOHN RODEN, Stamford, Lincolnshire, draper.—ROBERT
TURNER, Worthing, Sussex, draper.


Sept. 24. FREDERICK JOHNSON, Lincoln, watchmaker.

Sept. 27. WILLIAM EDWARD FERGUSSON, Macclesfield, Cheshire,

Oct. 1. WILLIAM JOHNSON, West Drayton, farmer.


City, Oct. 28.

During the early part of the month, in consequence of the
transfer books of the various descriptions of home securities
being shut, Consols were the only stock in which business could
be done; but, notwithstanding, the operations were of a very
quiet character, and failed to sustain the market, the price
receding to 961/2, which it marked on the 5th inst. With the
commencement of the payment of the dividends, however, an
upward movement set in, and the price went rapidly up till the
16th, when Consols were done at 973/4. They then remained
pretty steady till the 23rd, when a speculative action to depress
prices came in force, and they gradually drooped to their
yesterday's quotation, 967/8 to 97. To-day the market leaves off rather
steadier, with Consols quoted at 971/8 to 1/4. Within the last
fortnight a very large business has been transacted, not only in
Consols, but also in the Reduced 3 per Cents., the New 31/4 per
Cents., and the other stocks which have recently opened.

The Railway Share Market on the whole has been good this
month, and characterised by a strong tendency to improvement,
as will be seen upon an inspection of the extreme prices given
below. Very extensive purchases were made in nearly all the
railway stocks during all the first half of the month; and though
the tone of the market of late has been slightly depressed, this is
generally regarded as arising from causes which are easy of
explanation, and of a merely temporary character.



Prices during the Month.


Three per Cent. Consols    .    .

Three per Cent. Reduced   .    .

Three and a quarter per Cents..

Long Annuities, Jan. 1860       .

Bank Stock    .     .    .    .     .

India Stock      .      .      .     .

South Sea Stock    .    .    .    .

Exchequer Bills      .       .       .

India Bonds   .           .          .








71s. prm.

91s. prm.








63s. prm

83s. prm.








66s. prm.

86s. prm.





















Bristol and Exeter . .


Eastern Counties..

Great Northern..

Great N. of England..

Great Western...

Hull and Selby...

Lancashire and Yorkshire

Leeds and Bradford..

London and Brighton.

London and North Western

London and S. Western.


North Staffordshire..

South Eastern...

York, Newcastle, and


York and North Midland.
























































Mark Lane, Oct. 26.

The tendency of the prices of home-grown wheat has been
slightly declining during the month, the supplies from the
country being of a fair amount, and millers purchasing with
extreme caution, so as only to meet immediate wants. Where
sales have to be made, a slight concession is generally obliged
to be yielded. The London averages (announced last night),
which are given below, show a reduction of full 3s. per
quarter in wheat, as compared with those published in our last
monthly notice. Foreign grain has generally been held more

Wheat, per quarter, 42s. 8d.

Barley, 26s. 4d.

Oats, 17s. 2d.

Rye, 25s. 7d.

Beans, 28s. 8d.

Peas, 32s. 11d.

Flour, Town made, delivered,

per 280 lbs., 37s. to 40s.

„ Norfolk and Suffolk, 29s.

to 32s.
„ American and Canadian,
per barrel, of 196 lbs.,
22s. to 25s.


Bacon, per cwt.—Waterford
heavy, 38s. to 42s.; Belfast,
42s. to 50s.; Hamburg, 47s.
to 49s.

Beef, per 8 lbs., mid. to prime,
2s. 4d. to 3s.

Butter, per cwt., Carlow, 80s. to
84s.; Cork, 80s. to 81s.;
Limerick, 74s. to 77s.;
Dorset, 56s. to 82s.; Friesland,
70s. to 88s.; Fresh, 9s. to
11s. per 12 lbs.

Cheese, per cwt., new Cheshire,
42s. to 60s.; old Derby 44s.
to 54s.; new Wiltshire dbl.
44s. to 54s.; Gouda, 31s. to
36s.; American, 40s. to 42s.

Eggs, English, per 120, 5s. 6d.
to 6s.; Scotch, 4s. 6d. to

4s. 9d.; French, 4s. to 5s. 6d.

Hams, per cwt.—York or
Cumberland, 60s. to 70s. 6d.;
Irish, 46s. to 70s.;
Westphalia, 46s. to 50s.; American,
40s. to 44s.

Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid. to
prime, 2s. 10d. to 3s. 8d.

Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
Essex Shaws, 55s. to 65s.;
Kent and Essex Regents,
60s. to 85s.; Middling
Ware, 35s. to 45; Chats,
25s. to 32s.; Yorkshire
Regents, 70s. to 80s.

Pork, per 8 lbs., large, 2s. 8d. to
3s. 6d.; small, 3s. 10d. to
4s. 4d.

Veal, per 8 lbs., 2s. 10d. to 3s. 8d.


Cocoa, per cwt.—Trinidad, 42s.
to 50s.; Grenada 39s. to 47s.
Bahia, 28s. to 29s.

Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.
Ceylon, 57s. to 58s.; fine
ord. Jamaica, 48s. to 49s.
6d.; good and fine ord.
Mocha, 55s. to 61s.; Bahia,
43s. to 57s.

Rice, per cwt.—Bengal white,
8s. 6d. to 12s. 6d.; Madras,
8s. 6d. to 10s.; E. I. Patna,
10s. to 20s.; Carolina 20s.

Sago, per cwt.—Pearl,19s. to 24s.

Sugar, per cwt.— Grocery lumps,
50s. to 52.; good brown
Jamaica, 36s. 6d. to 37s. 6d.;
ditto fine yellow, 42s. to
43.; Mauritius yellow, 35s.
to 395s.; Brazil brown, 82s.
to 36s. 6d.

Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d.),—Com.
Congou, 1s. to 1s. 0½d.;
Souchong, ord. and mid. 10d. to
1s. 2d.; mid. and good
Hyson, 1s. 4d. to 1s. 9d.;
Imperial, 1s, to 2s. 6d.

Candles, per 12 lbs., 4s. 6d. to 5s.; Coals, per ton, Wallsend,
14s. 9d. to 16s. 9d.


Pale Seal, per ton, £40
Sperm, £84 to Â£86
Cod's, £38
Olive, GallipoIi, per 252 gals. £45
Pale rape, per cwt. 38s.
Linseed, 32s. 6d.