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and Marines called on board. The military with drawn
cutlasses, went below and brought up and heavily
ironed thirty-eight of the most outrageous, and disarmed
them of the knives, forks and sharpened files of which
they had by some means become possessed. They were
all conveyed to Millbank Penitentiary. The other
convicts have resumed their labour under their guards
as usual in the dockyard, but seven, whose conduct was
very bad, have been flogged, as an example to the rest.

Another Agrarian Murder has been committed in the
North of Ireland. While Mr. James Eastwood of
Castle House, in the county of Louth, was walking home
from Dundalk to Castletown, on Wednesday evening,
the 24th ult., he had approached a quarry on the side of a
by-way leading from the Castleblayney road, and
facing his orchard, which is situated at the back of his
dwelling-house, not distant more than one-eighth of a
mile. He had crossed the stile, at the gate leading to
the farm-yard, when he observed three men following
him. They soon made up to him, and began to use
abusive language, which was immediately followed by
an attack with sticks and stoneshe having no means
of defence further than an umbrella, which he carried
under his arm. Having beaten him, they flung him
into the quarry, leaving him for dead. He was
discovered by one of his female servants who had him
conveyed home. Notwithstanding dreadful wounds on
his head, it was at first thought he might recover, but
he survived only a few days. His character was that of
a kind and considerate landlord. The principal part of
his Dundalk estate was occupied by himself; and his
labourers employed in farming it received 6s. 9d. a
week. In August last he removed six or eight families
from a farm near Ball's mill, which they had held
conjointly, and had paid little or no rent for a series of
years. He had zealously tried to establish linen
manufacture on a portion of his estate, and has employed
women and children in great number in weaving. He
was patron of the local Sunday School, under the
Church Education Society; and a very short time
before he was attacked he had given premiums of money
for distribution among the children at Christmas. A
requisition has been made, requesting Lord Bellew,
lieutenant of that county, to convene the magistracy to
consider the state of the district, with a view to the
adoption of decided measures for the suppression of
outrages. Several other baronies adjacent to the scene
of outrage have also been proclaimed.

At a meeting of the magistrates of Armagh, on the
30th ult., for the purpose of taking into consideration
the Disturbed State of the County, it was unanimously
resolved, that application be made to the Government
to make such an addition to the police and military
force in the disturbed districts of the county as may be
necessary to enforce the law and protect life and
property; and that in all cases of trial for any agrarian
outrage special juries be empanelled to try the accused
parties. That all the expenses incurred for the
maintenance of extra police be chargeable upon the
townlands for which such extra force may be required; and
that the rate rendered necessary for their support be
levied forthwith by the police authorities.

A barbarous Murder has been committed in Leitrim.
Three armed men entered the dwelling-house of a poor
man named John Curran, residing at Corduff; and,
having placed him on his knees, one of them discharged
the contents of a loaded gun through his heart, leaving
him a lifeless corpse on his own floor! They quietly
departed; and although there were two of the
deceased man's daughters present at the time, one of
whom was a married woman, neither of them as much
as raised the cry of murder, or endeavoured by any
means to obstruct the escape of the assassins. This crime,
it appears, was not connected with the possession of land,
but was caused by some family quarrel, and the
murderers, it is probable, were the victim's near relations.
An inquest was held, but the jury were unable to
return a verdict against any particular persons.

A special commission has been issued for trial of
Agrarian Conspirators in the county of Monaghan.—
It is a somewhat novel feature of Irish crime to find its
scene transferred from those localities where, up to
within the last few years, neither life nor property
could be counted safe between the rising and the setting
of the sun, to a quarter where, of all others, security
for both was regarded as certain as they would be in
Kent or Middlesex. The southern counties are enjoying
perfect tranquillity. The magistrates of Limerick and
Kerry are calling for reductions of the constabulary;
the occupation of that excellent body being nearly
altogether gone. In the far west the state of society
shows a similar improvement. In one county
(Roscommon) the services of 100 policemen have been
dispensed with, and the reports of the business of the
courts of quarter-sessions in the province of Connaught,
all tend to prove that the reign of turbulence in that
neglected district has come to a conclusion.

At the Marlborough-street police court, on the 27th
ult., a soldier of the Life Guards having been summoned
by a young woman for Refusing to Support an Illegitimate
Child, the magistrate dismissed the complaint on
the ground that he had no jurisdiction. By the
Mutiny Act a soldier cannot even be summoned before
a magistrate for a matter of the kind in question; he
can only be taken out of the service by process on
account of any charge of felony, or misdemeanour
committed with violence to the person, property, effects,
&c. The young woman asked if she had no remedy in
law? Mr. Hardwick said he knew of none.

A most daring Murder was perpetrated on the 27th
of December at Belper by a man named Anthony
Turner, who had been for some years in the habit of
collecting rents for a widow lady named Barnes, who
lived with a relative, the Rev. J. Banister, a clergyman
of the Church of England, at Field House. Having
been a defaulter to a considerable amount, Mrs. Barnes
sent him a note a few days previously to say that he
would not be allowed to collect any more rents, and
that he was to consider himself discharged from his
situation. On the above evening he went into a
provision shop at Belper and borrowed a large carving-
knife, such as is used for cutting bacon. He then
went to Mrs. Barnes's house; she refused to see him,
on which he pushed the servant-girl aside, and rushed
up stairs. The servant, very much alarmed, ran to
fetch the Rev. Mr. Bannister, who was in an adjoining
building. He immediately ran into the house, and met
Turner coming down with the knife in his hand, which
was covered with blood. Turner made a desperate
attempt to cut the reverend gentleman with the knife,
but after a sharp struggle between them the murderer
was precipitated down stairs. Mr. Bannister
immediately went into Mrs. Barnes's room, where he found
her lying upon the ground, with her head almost
severed from her body. One of her thumbs had been
cut off, as if in struggling with the murderer. Turner
after passing Mr. Bannister on the stairs, on leaving the
house met the servant-girl coming in, and he made an
attempt to strike her with the knife, but she turned
her head and evaded the blow. The murderer then
ran off at the top of his speed, and for the time escaped
pursuit. The electric telegraph at the Belper station
was immediately set to work, and the news conveyed in a
few minutes to Derby, Nottingham, and other midland
towns, but it was not till the evening of the 29th that he
was captured, in his mother's house, where he had taken
refuge. Two constables, who had been on his track,
went into the house together, and on seeing them
Turner retreated up stairs, and made an attempt on his
life by cutting his throat with a common table-knife;
but the wound was a very slight one, a constable having
struck him a blow on the arm before he had time to do
himself much injury. He was immediately secured,
and conveyed to Belper. An inquest having been held,
a verdict of "wilful murder" was returned against
Turner, and he was committed for trial.

Early on the morning of the 5th inst., a person named
Flanagan, who was on the 27th ult. committed for trial
for having, under pretence of being clerk to Mr. Horry,
the barrister, obtained from a Mrs. White £1 3s. 6d.,
for the purpose of defending her son at the Middlesex
Sessions, committed Suicide. The unfortunate man,
who was a touter at the Old Bailey and other courts,
committed the act by keeping his head in a pail of
water, brought to him that he might wash himself.

William Baldry, a farmer of Preston, near Lavenham