Bullion in Bank of England on 15th inst., £13,279,370.
Bank Rate of Discount, 5 per cent. FOREIGN LIST.—LATEST PRICES. COLONIAL SHARE LIST.—LATEST PRICES. AGRICULTURAL MARKETS. LATEST LONDON MARKET PRICES. s. s. CATTLE— s. d. s. d. WOOL, per lb.— £ s. £ s. Linseed cake, per ton, £9. 0s. HOPS.—Kents, 280s. to 360s. POULTRY—Capons. 3s.—4s.; HIDES, &c.—Market, 96 lb., COCOA, per cwt. Trinidad, 31s. EMIGRATION RECORD. CURRENT RATES OF PASSAGE AND FREIGHT TO THE £4 10 to £5 10LATEST LONDON PRICES Gold, stand., per oz. £3 17 9 Silver bars, stan. per oz. 5 13/8 Do., dust, " 3 16 0 Mexican dollars, " 5 21/2 LATEST COMPARATIVE VALUE OF GOLD IN FOREIGN MARKETS
TO LONDON PRICEParis 0·24 prem. New York 0·17 disct. Hamburgh 0·29 dis. STOCKS. Highest. Lowest. Latest. Three per Cent. Consols 953/4 955/8 951/8 Three per Cent. Reduced 951/2 937/8 Three and a quarter per Cents. 951/2 943/4 Long Annuities, Jan. 1860 413/16 45/8 Bank Stock, 8 per cent. 211 208 214 Exchequer Bills, June 9s. p. 1 dis. 6-9 p. India Bonds 11 p. 1 p. Paid. RAILWAYS. Highest. Lowest. Latest. Receipts
Jan. 1100 Brighton & S.
Coast1053/4 103 103-5 506,686 all Blackwall 87/8 81/2 81/8-3/4 54,237 100 Caledonian 673/4 62 661/2 } 574,527 100 Edinb. and Glasgow 65 581/2 59-61 } all Eastern Counties 121/4 113/4 113/4-12 764,525 Gt. Sn. & Wn. (Irel.) 96 92 91-93 224,028 Great Northern 90 833/4 88-1/2 666,671 100 Great Western 751/2 72 721/4-3/4 832,942 100 Lancash. & Yorksh. 761/4 69 711/2-2 704,115 100 London & N. Westn. 1051/2 1011/2 1013/4-21/4 1,984,906 100 London & S. Westn. 87 82 83-5 499,947 100 Midland 723/4 673/4 701/4-3/4 950,764 100 South-East & Dover 681/4 641/2 641/4-3/4 627,706 FUNDS RAILWAYS Belgian 41/2 per cent. 92-4 East Belgian Junct. 1 Brazilian 5 per cent., 100-3 Luxembourg Chilian 6 per cent., 104-6 Northern of France, 341/2 Danish 5 per cent. 100-2 Norwegian Trunk Pref. 81/2 Dutch 21/2 per cent., 61-3 Paris and Orleans, 49 Dutch 4 p. cent, cert., 93-5 Paris and Lyons, 333/4 Mexican 3 per cent., 243/4-25 Paris and Rouen, 39 Peruvian 3 per cent., 51-53 Paris and Strasburg Portuguese 4 per cent., 40-2 West Flanders, 37/8 Russian 5 per cent., 98-100 West of France, 181/2 Spanish 3 per cent., 371/2-8 Rouen and Havre, 231/2 Sardinian 5 per cent., 877/8 MINES. Linares 8-9 Quartz Rock 1/8-1/4 Nouveau Monde 1/8-1/4 St John Del Rey 26-8 MINES. BANKS. Australian 11/2 Australasian 83 to 86 Do. Freehold 1/2-1/4 Eng. Scott. and Aust. 3-21/2 dis. Colonial Gold 7/8 Lond. Chart. of Aus. 11/2-2 pm. Port Philip 1/8-3/8 South Australian 44-6 South Australian 3/8-5/8 Union of Australia 671/2 to 681/2 RAILWAYS STEAM COMPANIES East Indian 23 Australasian Pacific 71/8 Do., Extension 1/8 dis. Royal Mail Ind. Peninsula 55/8 Eastern Steam Navig. Madras 133/4 General Screw St. Ship 14 Quebec and Rchmond 3/4-1/4 dis. Penins. & Orient St. Nav. 631/2 MISCELLANEOUS COMPANIES Australian Agricultural 42-3 North Brit. Australian 3/4-7/8 p. Van Diemen's Land 121/2-131/2 Peel River Land 3/8 dis. South Australian Land 36-38 Scott. Austr. Invest. 11/4 pm.
ending Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Aug.26 63 7 32 5 28 7 40 5 47 4 39 8 Sept. 2 62 3 32 5 27 8 38 4 48 2 37 7 — 9 59 4 30 9 27 6 36 9 46 0 36 0 — 16 52 5 29 2 25 11 36 11 45 10 36 10
Malt, Pale, per qr. 65 to 70
Malting Barley ,, 30 — 31
Oats, best ,, 26 — 29
Wheat, White ,, 57 — 70
Town made, per sk. 50 — 55
Country household 44 — 48
American, per barl. 31 — 35
Indian Corn, per qr. 35 — 38
Beasts, per st. 4 0 to 4 8
Calves ,, 3 0 — 4 4
Sheep ,, 4 2 — 5 0
Pigs ,, 4 2 — 4 8
South Downs 1 1 — 1 5
Kentish fleeces 1 4 — 1 7
German Elect. 3 6 — 5 7
Australian 1 2 — 2 61/2
Cape 0 7 — 1 71/2
Spanish 1 2 — 2 1
Hay per load 2 15 to 4 12
Clover ,, 3 5 — 6 0
Straw ,, 1 10 — 1 16
to £10 10s.; Rape cake, ditto,
£6; Bones, ditto, £4 10s.
Sussex, 273s. to 320s.; For.
231s. to 280s.; Hop Duty
estimated at £50,000.
Fowls, 4s. 0d.—7s; Chicks,
4s. 0d.—6s.; Ducks, 4s.—
6s.; Geese, 3s. 6d.—6s.;
Turkeys, 3s. 6d.—6s.; Pigeons,
41/4d.—5d.; do., do., 50 lb.,
31/4d.—1/2d.; do., Calf-skins
10 lb., 6s.;do., Horse-hides,
6s. 6d. ; Rough Tallow, 30s.METALS. OILS. Copper. Cakes, p. ton, £126
Iron, Pigs, £4. 2s. to £5. 0s.
Rails, £8. 0s. Lead, English
Pig, £23 Steel, Swedish Keg,
£18 10s. to £19 Tin, English
block, £114; Banca, £113 to
£114; Spelter, £22 15s.;
Quicksilver, per lb. 2s. to 2s. 1d. Gallipoli, per ton, £58; Sperm,
£104 to £105; Pale Seal,
£41. 10s.; Rape, £44 to £46;
Cocoa-nut, £47 to £51; Palm,
£45 to £47; Linseed, £33 10s.
TALLOW—Australian, Beef,
£61 to £62 10s.; Sheep, £60 to
£64; Y. C. £64 0s. PROVISIONS. GROCERY. BACON, per cwt.—Irish, 60s.
to 70s.; American, 40s. to
BEEF—Mid. to prime, p. 8 lb.,
3s 2d. to 4s 10d.; Irish India,
per tr., 165s.; Hambro', 130s.
to 165s.; Americ., 130s. to 145s.
BUTTER—Best fresh, per lb.,
12d. to 14d.; Dorset, per
cwt., 86s. to 98s.; Irish, 84s.
96s.; Dutch 64s. to 104s.
CHEESE—Cheshire, per cwt.,
60s. to 78s.; Wiltshire, 50s. to
68s.; Dutch, 52s.
HAMS—York, 70s. to 85s.
Irish, 66s. to 80s.;
Westphalia, 66s. to 70s.
MUTTON—Mid. to prime, per
8 lb., 3s. 8d. to 5s. 0d.
POTATOES, per ton, 110s. to
PORK, per 8 lb., 3s. 4d. to 4s. 8d.
VEAL, 3s. 0d. to 4s. 0d.
Lamb, 4s. 0d. to 5s. 2d.
to 41s.; Bahia, 27s. to 29s.
COFFEE, per cwt.—Ceylon
Native, 44s. 6d. to 45s. 6d.; Do.,
Plantation, 54s. to 78s.;
Mocha, 62s. to 86s.; Jamaica,
75s. to 84s.; Java, 47s. to
56s.; Costa Rica, 50s. to 75s.
RICE, per cwt.—Carolina, 21s.
to 30s. 0d.; Bengal, 11s. 6d. to
14s. 6d.; Patna, 14s. to 18s. 0d.
SUGAR—Barbadoes, per cwt.,
31s. to 38s. 6d.; Mauritius,
30s. 6d. to 38s. 6d.; Bengal,
38s. 6d. to 41s. 6d.; Madras,
28s. to 31s. 6d.; Havannah,
32s. to 36s. 6d.
DO. REFINED—Grocery lumps,
43s. to 48s. 0d.; Bastards,
26s. 0d. to 34s. 0d.; Crushed,
TEA, per lb. (duty 1s. 6d.)—
Congou, 91/2d. to 1s. 3d.;
Souchong, 11d. to 2s. 6d.;
Hyson, 1s. 5d. to 3s. 6d.;
Assam, 1s. 3d. to 4s. 4d.
Colonies. British
America. United
States. Other
Places. Total. To July 31
1,251120, 155
29,876Total. 50,844 36,296 138, 797 2077 228,014
mediateSteerage. Goods per
40 Cubic feet.London £40 to 65 £26 to 30 £16 to 22 Liverpool 40 — 50 20 — 26 10 — 14 4 0 — 4 10 The Clyde 30 — 45 20 — 25 12 — 14 4 0 — 4 10 Belfast 40 — 50 20 — 26 11 — 14 4 0 — 4 10
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