driven on a shingle bank distant about fifteen miles.
Finding that it would be useless to attempt to get her
off, Captain Drew, the master, ordered the boats out,
which was done with promptitude. The women and
children were first landed, next the adult passengers,
and finally the captain, officers, and crew, who took the
precaution to take with them some stores, spare sails,
and a few spars. Tents were quickly erected, sufficient
for the wants of the hapless crew and passengers, and
next day, the chief officer, with a boat's crew, were
despatched to Portland Bay for assistance; Captain
Drew remaining with those under his care; but soon
after the boat's departure it came on to blow heavily.
It was considered prudent to run her on shore near
Cape Northumberland, from whence the crew proceeded
by land to Portland Bay, where a vessel was secured
to proceed to the relief of Captain Drew and his
companions, at their secluded encampment.
Three Men have been Killed at the Fron Colliery,
near Wrexham. The men were descending the pit,
when, by a sudden jerk, the chain broke, precipitating
them to the bottom. One of them in falling struck
with such violence against a scaffolding used in sinking
to the main bed of coal, that his body was literally cut
in two. The other two were dashed to pieces. All of
them have left wives and families.
A Mysterious Death has occurred at Hunslet in the
neighbourhood of Leeds. On Christmas day, a young
man, named Longbottom, residing in Hunslet road,
was married to the daughter of a farmer. They lived
in the house also occupied by Longbottom's father.
The young man and his wife were in Leeds together
on Saturday evening, the 7th inst., apparently happy
in each other's company, partaking of wine together
at one place where they made a call. On their return
to Hunslet in the evening, at about 11 o'clock, they
retired to bed, and the father occupied a bed in an
adjoining room. The bedroom of the young pair faces
the road, and the entrance to the house is by means of
steps, at the bottom of which (forming a kind of
platform before the door), is a landing of stone about
two yards above the level of the causeway, protected at
the sides by iron pallisades. About 7 o'clock on
Sunday morning, a man passing the house discovered
the wife lying in her nightdress in a state of insensibility
upon the platform outside the door, and just under the
window of her bedroom. He aroused the elder Mr.
Longbottom. All the doors were discovered to be
locked, exactly as they had been left on the previous
night, but the husband of the young and insensible wife
was missing from his bedroom, the window of which
was wide open. Medical aid as speedily as possible was
obtained for the female, and an examination of a wound
she had sustained on the forehead, coupled with the
fact of the bedroom window being open, left no doubt
that she had fallen from her chamber window, and came
in contact with the pallisades. Search was then made
for the missing husband. It was at once observed that
the snow had been traversed by naked human feet,
and following a track thus made, leading from the house
into the garden, over a wall seven feet high, and across
several fields to the side of the river Aire, a search was
made in the water, and just where the footprints terminated
was found the lifeless body of the missing young
man, attired only in his night shirt. An inquest has
been held, but adjourned till the wife is in a condition
to be examined. It is conjectured that the husband,
either in a dream or while under sudden and temporary
aberration of mind, must have left his bed, opened the
window, and leaped into the street; and that his wife,
alarmed for his safety, must have rushed to drag him
back, and been drawn after him.
Another alarming Railway Collision occurred on the
York, Newcastle, and Berwick line early on the
morning of the 15th. The night express of the Great
Northern Company, had proceeded a little way from
York on its journey to the north, when it came into
violent contact with a coal train which was crossing the
line towards the branch to Knaresborough. The
mineral train was completely cut in two, one of the
trucks passing over the engine of the passenger train,
and greatly damaging it. The driver and stoker, who
were not aware of the danger until the moment of the
collision, jumped off the engine and thus escaped. The
shock almost destroyed a first-class passenger carriage
containing three or four travellers, who were all severely
hurt, but no limbs were broken. Two other carriages
were also much damaged, and the passengers in them
sustained various bruises. It appears that neither of the
drivers of the two trains are to blame for this accident,
as no signal was displayed to prevent it—the company
who work the mineral traffic not having deemed it
necessary to provide such an attendant for night duty.
Another frightful accident has occurred in the City
from the Fall of Old Houses. Some time ago, workmen
commenced pulling down the extensive range of
premises formerly used as the Inland Revenue Office in
Old Broad-street, City; and a few weeks since several
tons weight of bricks that had been taken from the
walls fell and buried a great many of the workmen,
some of whom were so terribly injured that they were
obliged to be removed to the hospital, in which institution
one of the sufferers expired. On the 16th inst. a
far more serious occurrence happened at the same place.
While about 200 men were employed on the premises,
a noise was heard, and directly afterwards every object
was completely obscured by columns of dust, caused by
the fall of a great portion of the old excise-office, running
parallel with Broad-street. For some time it was
impossible to learn what had taken place, but as soon as
the dust had somewhat cleared away a fearful scene
presented itself, for it was then seen that every floor in
this part of the building had been cast down, and in the
midst of the debris were nearly a dozen of the unfortunate
workmen. Several who were hurled upon the top of the
rubbish were comparatively uninjured, and they
succeeded in rescuing themselves without assistance,
but seven poor fellows were found either totally buried,
or partially so, among the bricks and dry mortar. After
some time a man named Owen Dalay, who had only left
the hospital a fortnight, owing to the injuries he had
received at the previous accident in the same building,
was dragged out of the ruins and was again found to be
so dreadfully injured that he was compelled to be taken
to the institution he had so recently left. A man named
Lawrence Murray, whose brother had also been an
inmate of Bartholomew's Hospital, owing to the previous
accident, was also taken out and removed to the same
hospital bleeding from the nose, mouth, and ears.
Upon arriving at the hospital life was found to be
extinct. Another man named John Hayes, was also
found to be dead; and two others, when extricated,
were found to be terribly injured and were conveyed to St.
Bartholomew's Hospital. An inquest was held on the
bodies of Murray and Hayes; and it having appeared
that no blame attached to any one, a verdict of accidental
death was pronounced.
The Tayleur, Emigrant Ship, has been wrecked on
the coast of Ireland, with a deplorable loss of life. The
Tayleur, a fine new vessel, commanded by an experienced
officer, Captain Noble, sailed from Liverpool on the 19th
instant, for Melbourne, having on board 660 persons,
including the crew. She encountered a violent gale
in the channel, and about noon on the following day,
she was driven on the rocks off Lambay Island some
miles to the north of Howth, and immediately went
down, only about 280 persons being saved. The following
narrative of this dreadful calamity, by a cabin
passenger, has been published in the Freeman's Journal:—
"I was a cabin passenger on board the Tayleur, which
left Liverpool with a fine breeze and beautiful weather at
12 o'clock on Thursday last, in tow of a steamer. We
were off Lynas Point about six o'clock in the evening,
when the pilot left, and almost at the same instant a
squall came on, when orders were given to shorten sail.
No sooner was this done than it became evident to
those who were acquainted with nautical affairs that the
crew were totally incompetent to manage the ship. The
mate could not get any one to go on the yards to shorten
sail, and the ship was completely at the mercy of the
wind and waves. Some idea may be formed of the
incompetency of the crew when it is known that it took
nearly three hours to take in the mizen topsail, and
nearly one hour and three-quarters to take in the fore
topsail, and neither the main topsail nor the lower sails
could be got in at all. We, however, struggled through
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