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six weeks earlier than those for the year
previous, and just too early to include the
newly born calves and the litters of piglings
which the small farmers generally contrive
to secure for July, in order that the young
pigs may be able to eat, in October, the
small potatoes which abound while the
potatoe-crop is being dug. The growth of
potatoes during the year just ended has been
greater also in Scotland than in the year
previous, and in Scotland also, there has
been an increased breadth of land used for
the growth of wheat.

And we now look once more from the corn
to the weeds, which, where they are allowed to
grow, subtract one fourth, or even a third
from the value of the corn land. Such views
as we have been suggesting, led Sir John
Sinclair, first president of the Board of
Agriculture, to an opinion which we give as Mr.
Donnelly quotes it in the general abstracts of
Irish agricultural statistics for the year
eighteen hundred and fifty-six, to which
public document we may refer as the authority
for all, or nearly all, that we have here
been saying. The quotation ends our
statement of the case:

The importance of weeding, both to the individual
and to the public is such, that it ought to be enforced
by law. At any rate, a regulation of police, for fining
those who harbour weeds, the seeds of which may be
blown into their neighbour's ground, can have no injustice
in principle. In England, the petty constable
might be required by precept from the high constable,
to give in presentments to the quarter sessions,
containing a list of all persons who suffered weeds to run
to seed in their hedges or lands, such presentments to
be particularly specified to the court. Those referring
to the coltsfoot, to be given in at the Lady Day
sessions; and those referring to thistles, ragweed, &c.,
to be given in at the Midsummer sessions. An order
of court might then be made, for the immediate
removal of such nuisances; and if not complied with,
the offender should be fined a sum not exceeding five
pounds, one half to the informer, and the other half to
go for the relief of the poor. If, in consequence of
such a system being enforced, from four to five
bushels of wheat, fifteen bushels of barley, and ten
bushels of oats additional, were raised in all the fields
in the kingdom whose crops are now injured by weeds,
the benefit would be well worth the labour and
expense, and the farmers would soon find that, however
anxious they may be to have their lands tithe free,
yet, to have them weed-free is of still greater


At the little town of Tann, in the Vosges, on all
public occasions, the women take precedence of the
men, in virtue of their conduct related below.

    Sate the heavy burghers
      In their gloomy hall,
    Pondering all the dangers
      Likely to befall:
    Ward they yet or yield to strangers
      Their beleaguer'd wall

      " All our trade is ruin'd:
         Saw I this afar.
      Said I not, Our markets
        Month-long seige will mar;
      Let not our good town embark its
         Fortunes on this war.

     " Now our folly takes us:
         War first hath his share,
      Famine now; who dreameth
        Bankrupts can repair
      Double loss?  or likely seemeth
         Victors should despair?

    " And our trade is ruin'd:
         Little that remains
      Let us save to hearse us
         From these bloody pains,
      Ere the wrathful foe amerce us
         Of our farthese gains!"

     Up and speaks young Herman,
        With the flushing cheek,
     "Shame were it to render:
         Though the wall be weak:"
      Say the old men, "Let us end, or
         Certain death we seek!"

     In their gloomy chambers
       Thus their councils wend;
     "Five of our most trusted
        With the morn descend;
     Say- so peace may be adjusted,
        Chained lives we'll spend.

    " Now, home to our women!
        They'll be glad to learn
      We have weigh'd so gravely,
        Peace hath fill'd the urn.
      Though in truth they've borne them bravely
         In this weary turn."

      Home unto the women;
         But each burgher found
      Scorn in place of smiling:
         For each good wife frown'd
      On this coward reconciling-
         Peace with honour bound.

      In their morrow's council
        Women voices rise:
      "Count ye babes and women
        But as merchandise,
      To be traffick'd with the foemen,
         Things of such a price?

      " We will man your ramparts;
          Ye, who are not men.
        Go, hide in your coffers!
           We will call you when-"
        Slid home, ’mid the crowd of scoffers,
           Those five heralds then.

      In the morrow's danger
         Women take their share;
      Many a sad grey morning
         Found them watching there:
      Till we learn'd from their high scorning
          To make light of care

      Chief with our gaunt warders
          Hermann's young Betrothed
      Pass'd, like Victory's Splendour,
          In bright courage clothed:
      Fear bid, fearful to offend her,
          Knowing himself loathed.