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Francis Jeffrey


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Author John Forster
Genres Cross-genre i
Prose: Autobiography; Biography; Memoirs; Obituary; Anecdotes i
Prose: Essay i
Subject Law; Lawyers; Justice; Courts; Trials
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Author John Forster
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subject Education—Great Britain; Universities and Colleges; Schools
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 2003

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The Reason Why


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Author John Forster
Genre Poetry: Narrative i
Subjects Great Britain—History
Music; Musical Instruments; Songs; Singing; Opera
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Author John Forster
Genre Prose: Snippet i
Subjects Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Music; Musical Instruments; Songs; Singing; Opera
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Author John Forster
Genres Prose: Digest; Review i
Prose: Leading Article i
Subjects Great Britain—Colonies—History
United States—History—General
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 1813

Based largely on the George Atkinson Ward, ed., Journal and Letters of the Late Samuel Curwen (1842).

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Author John Forster
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Great Britain—Colonies—History
United States—History—General
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 1524

Based largely on the George Atkinson Ward, ed., Journal and Letters of the Late Samuel Curwen (1842).

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The Power-Loom


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Author John Forster
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Fashion; Fashion History; Clothing and Dress; Millinery; Textile Crafts; Textile Design; Cotton; Cotton Manufacture
Inventors; Inventions
Machinery; Machinery in the Workplace; Machinery Industry; Machinery Industry—Automation
Manufacturing processes; Manufacturing; Factories; Factory Management; Industrial Waste
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 1575

Based largely on Mary Strickland, A Memoir of the Life, Writings, and Mechanical Inventions of Edmund Cartwright D.D.F.R.S (London: 1843).

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