North and South [iv]
Chip: Colouring
Michel E. Chevreul, The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, 1854.
Madame Grondet's [i]
Sunday Tea-Gardens
Sick Body, Sick Brain
Based on J. F. C. Hecker, The Epidemics of the Middles Ages (1848 ed.).
An Excursion Train, before Steam
What May Be Ours
North and South [v]
Notes from the Lebanon
Based on Habeeb Risk Allah, The Thistle and the Cedar of Lebanon (first published 1853).
Demetrius the Diver
1) Advertisement for North and South. 2) Advertisement for Hard Times.
To Working Men
On 25 September Dickens wrote to Wills that he was 'quite shocked and ashamed' to see that there was nothing in the issue of HW about to go to press relating to the terrible outbreak of Asiatic cholera in London during the previous two months.
The Ghost of Pit Pond
North and South [vi]
Cornwall's Gift to Staffordshire
The Irish Letter-Writer
Mars a la Mode
Piping Days
The Compassionate Broker [ii]
See also 'The Dodderham Worthy', Household Words, X, No. 230.